Why Brangus
Seedstock selection options are vaster than ever before, regardless of breed. The old saying goes that you will find “more difference within breeds than between breeds” at their relative ends of the spectrum and that is also as true as ever today. With so many variables, what sets GENEPLUS and our Brangus and Ultrablack genetics apart from the competition?
Maternal Factory
Brangus influenced females have always been admired for their excellent udder quality and milk production with an innate ability to maintain flesh while completing the most important job a cow can, breeding back every 365 days. Brangus sired females can and will raise more high-quality offspring in their lifetime than any other breed available because of their longevity of life, tremendously sound udder structure and superior fertility for years upon years.
The science, as well as dollars and cents, behind this phenomenon is well documented. The increase in production from using Brangus genetics in a cross-breeding program amounts to $250 annually/cow exposed, over a 10 year period, as opposed to a straight breeding program such as Angus x Angus. Furthermore, research has proven a cross breeding program with Brangus genetics shows an increase in production of 25-30% over a cross breeding program combining two English and/or continental Breeds, such as Angus x Hereford, Angus x Gelbvieh, Angus x Simmental, etc. The science is real, the results are real and the dollars are certainly real!
Environmental Adaptability
With their ability to thrive on multiple types of forage from the swamps of Florida to the high-desert country of Nevada to the endophyte infected fescue in Missouri, Brangus and Ultrablack cattle have proven they are sustainable in any environment, maintain their ability to slick off in the heat, yet withstand the coldest of colds. Breeders also find a significant decrease in eye problems as well as parasite and disease infections, problems which cost the rest of the industry millions of dollars per year.
Feeding Ability/Carcass Quality
While historically Brangus may have been overlooked in this segment, GENEPLUS cattle have proven they have the ability to compete with the best of the best in feedyards across the country, with a built-in efficiency that allows for an improved feed to gain, in turn a lower cost of gain. Furthermore, with multiple data sets showing cattle consistently grading in the 90%+ Choice or better, and their black hide allowing for CAB acceptance at the 40% and higher mark, these cattle can marble AND yield, as they will nearly always add 2-3% of carcass weight while significantly reducing the number of YG 3’s & 4’s when compared to most all of their “high-end $B” type Angus contemporaries.
Our focus for decades has been industry driven. Continually striving to produce Brangus and Ultrablack progeny that come easy, grow, gain, grade, shuck their hair and do so in a package that is highly marketable across the country. We don’t strive to take the “Brangus” out of them, but to keep the “Brangus” in them in a more eye appealing package by focusing heavily on sheath design, head set, hip structure and overall conformation so that whether you are selling them as fats or as feeders your buyers appreciate the quality built into them. We understand the need for this approach because our partners are literally involved in all facets of the industry from seedstock to commercial cow-calf to retained ownership as well as the stocker business, giving us a wide angle, unbiased view of what works and what doesn’t in the real world. This is what sets us apart. You can literally buy a bull (or a truckload) at GENEPLUS that can and will fit any market, any environment, any end point that is necessary. And this isn’t just us saying it, the proof shows out over the past three decades, as we have sold more bulls to more states in the nation than any other Brangus seedstock breeder in the business. Come see the difference it makes when you have a cowman on both sides of the table creating, selecting and standing behind the product you purchase. You won’t be disappointed.