
PO Box 425
Lamar, MO 64759


A Team Committed to Excellence


The GENEPLUS partners combine 100+ years of experience


An alliance of ranches dedicated to providing a superior genetic product


A team committed to the cattle industry and the Brangus breed

What They're Saying

We came to GENEPLUS looking for bulls to produce quality replacement heifers, heavier calves at weaning, and to hold up on fescue. They have performed above and beyond all expectations!

Brad Evans Richland, MO

What They're Saying

GENEPLUS has kept up with the changes in the beef business and their genetics are at the cutting edge of the industry. The bulls are long, deep and thick-made, have great dispositions and have proven to hold up well in our wide-open rangeland. The steer progeny will grow and grade with the best of the best and the females I have retained have proven to perform in the desert.

Paul Young Austin, Nevada

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    Our Staff

    Cody Gariss

    (417) 262-1257

    Kelsey Wages


    Vernon Suhn

    (620) 583-3706