Your next opportunity is here!
The difference in GENEPLUS versus many other genetic suppliers, especially in the Brangus breed, is our connection to the real world and the commercial market. We are actually in the business, just like you. We have always felt that a feeder cattle procurement program was the next step in our growth, but probably the most difficult as it is easier said than done on a scale that can cover the entire customer base. Many seedstock suppliers have tried on their own but very few survived because of the large amount of capital and facilities required, and frankly knowledge and experience in the arena of feeding cattle, because if we are being honest, it is not for the faint of heart.
We are excited to announce that we will now offer the opportunity to buy our customer cattle back across the country. This option will be available through a large third-party family feeding operation. We have been patiently searching for the right relationship that would offer the best experience for our customers and are excited to begin offering this service. An all-in opportunity that is available on the ranch or through approved livestock markets, this buyback program is focused on pot loads of home raised cattle with proven genetic value, intended to be a relationship that works year after year. With additional opportunities for premiums through verified heath and management programs, this buyback program will do one thing most will not- it will return you the information on your cattle free of charge, because the buyer is as committed to improving the product and your success as you are.
We are excited to present this great opportunity to our customers coast to coast and border to border and will facilitate these conversations, supplemented with genetic information as needed to help you get one more bidder on your sale day. Competition is healthy and through this program we want to make your bottom line as healthy as possible.
Be watching for more details as we move through the spring.
For more information contact Cody Gariss at 417-425-0368